Homeward Bound
/While yours may be one of many companies digitizing the customer experience, a move home to remote work may not have been your plan. Until now. Until the emergence of COVID-19, the fifth pandemic in the past 100 years.
We know that the “move home” for many employees and companies isn’t a planned change that benefits from strategy, funding, planning, and preparation. Instead, it is an attempt to protect the health of employees and to ensure continued service to customers. From day one, EthnoPraxis has been a 100% virtual company. We understand the benefits, challenges, and best practices of working together remotely. We’ve also supported client teams to communicate, learn, and succeed as a dispersed workforce.
If you are considering moving some or all of your employees home, at least temporarily, here’s some good news. Many remote workers say they are happier because they:
Eliminate their commute
Have more time (think “work-life balance”)
Control their work environment and atmosphere
Are less distracted and more productive
Save on gas, food, and clothing
Stay healthy based on less exposure to germs
Companies also report many benefits of having a remote, or mostly-remote workforce:
Reduced overhead
Improved retention
Increased productivity and innovation
Better morale
Greater pool of potential employees
New digital mindset
Being homeward bound may not have been your plan, but there may be a silver lining ahead for your employees and for your company.